Suffering from Chronic Pain? Acupuncture Can Help
For anyone who suffers from chronic pain, you know how difficult and frustrating it can be to find something that actually works and helps you take back control of your life. Read on to learn how acupuncture works and how it can help you.
Is Acupuncture Right for You?

Are you experiencing chronic pain and have yet to find a sustainable, whole-body pain management program that relieves your symptoms long-term? Are you one in five people, according to the CDC, who has experienced ongoing pain for at least twelve weeks, if not much longer? Do prescription pain medications like NSAIDs produce side effects such as headaches, stomach pain, and nausea that only hinder your persistent pursuit for well-being? Are you concerned about the dangerous long-term side effects of opioids? You are not alone, and you’ve come to the right place. Acupuncture can help.
Acupuncture is FDA Approved
For centuries, acupuncture has been an integral approach in Traditional Chinese Medicine for holistic healing, with Western medicine eventually catching up. In 1996, the US Food and Drug Administration approved acupuncture for general use, and for decades licensed acupuncturists have been safely and successfully treating pain caused by diseases and conditions such as osteoarthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, fibromyalgia, menstrual cramps, carpal tunnel syndrome, neuropathy, chronic headaches, neck pain, back pain, joint pain, and even pain associated with cancer. So, how does acupuncture actually work, and how can it help you with your chronic pain management program?
How Does Acupuncture Work?

Clinical acupuncture consists of carefully placing ultra-fine, sterile needles into the skin in strategic locations on the body, including the back, head, neck, arms, legs, and feet. The Chinese mapped hundreds of acu-points near major blood vessels and nerve pathways, and trained acupuncturists use these acu-points to stimulate your central nervous system, activating the qi, or “life force,” releasing natural chemicals and endorphins throughout the body to promote stress and pain relief. The effect is relaxing—sometimes euphoric—treatments with five to twenty needles, restoring the body’s intrinsic energy flow and enhancing blood circulation. This noninvasive treatment specifically customized for your particular condition can produce measurable results, according to the National Institute of Health and the World Health Organization—with no long-term side effects.
Acupuncture Can Be Preventative
Here are some other upsides: You do not need a formal diagnosis to receive care from an acupuncture clinic. Acupuncture can act as a preventative measure when you aren’t suffering from any illnesses. The effects of acupuncture continue over time; there’s no risk of acupuncture treatments interacting with your current medications. Acupuncture doesn’t merely treat your symptoms, it treats root causes to promote overall wellness of your mind, body, and spirit.
Now Is the Best Time to Try Acupuncture

If you have exhausted other avenues with either ineffective or short-term benefits—prescription medications, physical therapy, etc.—your pain management MD, rheumatologist, or other physician may have already suggested acupuncture to you—and for good reason. Research trials support acupuncture’s effectiveness for chronic pain.
That’s where we come in. If you reside in or around the Wilmington, North Carolina, area, Cape Fear Community Acupuncture provides highly trained specialists and affordable options, including community acupuncture. We listen, tailor your treatment, and communicate the best choices for your individual needs. Here are some frequently asked questions. Contact us today to learn more and start your body’s long-awaited self-healing process.